BARCELONA—Independent eyewear brand Etnia Barcelona has launched Moi Aussi, a new art and design project that aims to support artists and bring their work to an international stage. This project begins at the Abbazia Della Misericordia church in Venice, Italy, recently acquired by Etnia Barcelona, which will become the Moi Aussi Creative Lab. Etnia Barcelona will invite two international artists each month to create their own work of art using eyewear at the Creative Lab. These art pieces will then be exhibited in different galleries and museums around the world, Etnia Barcelona said.

Invited artists will live together and create five pieces of art from a pair of frames. Of these five pieces, one will remain in the Moi Aussi gallery, another will be exhibited in the Etnia Barcelona museum, two will be exhibited in art museums around the world and the last will be offered for sale through an auction. All proceeds will then be reinvested and used for the sustainability of the Moi Aussi project.

“Moi Aussi is much more than a brand, it is an artistic project conceived as a creative movement that embraces artists from all over the world transcending any cultural border and ensuring that the true purpose of art triumphs over any diversity of culture, religion or ethnicity,” Etnia Barcelona said in a release. “Cultural diversity represents the strength of the Moi Aussi artistic community, the meaning of which reflects both the artists’ desire to be part of this community and the beginning of their journey, offering them artistic support and global visibility.

“This project, aimed at an art world that is elevated, but also fresh, bold and young, is based on three fundamental pillars: art, emotion and contrast. Moi Aussi represents the artist’s manifesto, which in turn represents these three pillars and the declaration of intentions of this artistic movement,” the release stated.

As the project kicks off, the Moi Aussi Gallery will update on Instagram, showcasing the creative minds behind each piece and the ways eyewear and art intersect.