NEW YORK—Family Business Magazine continues to be an excellent resource for those who are involved in family-run businesses, small or large. Articles, webinars and a free e-newsletter are all part of what's regularly offered. Recently the group posted a white paper from one of its partners, Citibank's Private Bank unit, on "The Future of Family Enterprise," free for download. The creators of the report pointed out, "If your family business is to survive and thrive in the coming years, we believe you should consider the 5 effective strategies from our year-long study, in which we interviewed many business-owning clients.”

The whitepaper offers a new model for multigenerational family enterprise success and explores the key agenda items for family businesses.

Here are a few highlights from the white paper:

  • 74 percent think digitalization will have a moderate to transformative impact on their business. The paper outlines practical ways to develop a digital roadmap.

  • The secret to multigenerational success? Stick to your values, it’s what unites the family.

  • It’s time to engage and inspire the next generation. The report will show you how.

  • 62 percent think social impact will have a moderate to transformative impact on their business. The paper highlight ways to ensure it’s a collective focus.
Access the full report for guidance for your family enterprise, including fresh direction and effective strategies. The link to the report and other information is found here.