VM EVENTS: VM Summit Video Highlights From the Vision Monday Summit 2022 By Staff Thursday, May 12, 2022 12:00 AM “Discover & Recalibrate! Trends, Ideas and Tactics for Confronting Radical Change,” the 13th Annual Vision Monday Global Leadership Summit brought into sharp focus the megatrends shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic. In this special section recapping the day's sessions, read how VM's Summit can help you understand retail reinvention, fresh branding strategies, technology’s impact on health and vision, and expanding patients’ access to care. Here's a front row seat to the sights and sounds of the day, including a video highlighting the session speakers as well as interviews with attendees, all wrapped up in this Special Digital Edition. Be a part of the Summit's look at the changing retail and health care landscape—the new purpose of a store, how brands are being built, how the tech titans are targeting vision and innovators are creating new pathways to patient-centric care. To continue the conversation, share your thoughts using the #VMSummit hashtag. We hope to see you at next year's event, so mark your calendar for March 15, 2023.