MULTIMEDIA: Infographic Halloween Contact Lenses - Buyer Beware! By Catherine Wolinski Thursday, October 31, 2013 2:56 PM NEW YORK—As Halloween approached this year, the optical community shook with fear at a prevalent danger that sneaks into the public eye each year—consumers' purchasing of unauthorized cosmetic contact lenses. Often used as a costume feature throughout the holiday's festivities, the contact lenses available to shoppers in various colors, tints or images are not only illegal, but pose serious dangers to eye health and function when not properly fitted and sold by an eyecare professional. Eye-Q Vision Care, Inc. from Fresno, Calif. posted this spooky infographic depicting the dangers of cosmetic contact lens use on their blog earlier this October. Take a peek below, if you dare—and find more contact lens nightmares in the news reported by VMail on Oct. 21, 2013.