LaunchPad: Web Tech PECAA to Host Posterior Limbo: Raising The Bar On Low Vision Webinar By Staff Monday, February 13, 2023 12:05 AM Quick Take: PECAA has launched its next webinar education event. Posterior Limbo: Raising The Bar On Low Vision will take place on Sunday, February 19, providing up to six hours of pending COPE-approved clinical continuing education to optometrists across the country. It will be presented in a synchronous virtual, Zoom webinar format. Specifics: COPE has modified the rules going forward, removing the testing requirement for synchronous virtual formatted courses to count as COPE approved CE credits. Each PECAA education event provides impactful instruction on a targeted area relevant to contemporary eyecare practice. The event will focus on low vision patients and the resources available to help make this diagnosis and treatment a standard of care. Attendees will take a deep dive into ocular emergencies of the posterior pole and how they can directly relate to a present or future low vision diagnosis. They will also learn about prescribing for the low vision patients along with discussing ideas on how best to keep these patients engaged in activities as well as improve their quality of life. Selling Point: Posterior Limbo: Raising The Bar On Low Vision is open to all optometrists nationwide, including PECAA members and non-members. Register online here.