Quick Take: Vision Dynamics Laboratory, the largest glass lens processor in the U.S., has launched ultraSUN II sunglass photo, the first 1.67 D-28 semi-finished proprietary photochromic lens.
Specifics: With a superior activation color outdoors and a slight tint indoors, sunglass photo lenses offer consumers a wider choice of photochromic options, the company stated. The lens is available in the color grey and in base curves 0.50, 2, 4, 6 and 8. “With more than 25 years of photochromic development in our lens line, ultraSUN II sunglass photo sets a new standard in outdoor activation,” said John Dippold, president of Vision Dynamics Laboratory. “Our commitment to the field of photochromic advancement means better-performing lenses for our customers.”
Selling Point: The company said, many consumers want true dark photochromic sunglasses that work well in warm temperatures and have noticeable in-vehicle photochromic activation. UltraSUN II has color consistency throughout the aging process, maintaining a truer gray color over the activation/deactivation cycle and is exceptionally dark when activated. “With excellent high-temperature performance, ultraSUN II is perfect for those with an active outdoor lifestyle,” said Ralph Ortiz, sales manager. 