Product: Treehouse Eyes’ new online tool, the Myopia Treatment Decision App, or MY-TDA.
Top Line: Treehouse Eyes has announced the release of MY-TDA, a new tool for its partner practices. The online tool helps doctors discuss and track myopia progression with parents.
Close Up: Thanh Mai, OD, Treehouse Eyes’ director of myopia management services, said, “Educating parents about the risks of childhood myopia can be challenging. We're excited to launch MY-TDA as a tool to facilitate parent discussion. What is unique about MY-TDA is it allows you to show parents projected progression without treatment and with treatment displaying both refractive error and axial length. As we know, axial length is the key to myopia treatment so having a tool to show this is critical. In addition, MY-TDA allows our partner doctors to save the patient's details and show progression over time in an easy to use graphical format, which is powerful to show parents the impact of treatment over time. I’ve tested this in my own practice and the reaction of parents has been impressive.” Matt Oerding, Treehouse Eyes CEO, said “MY-TDA is just one of many new tools we are bringing to market to help Treehouse Eyes providers with their myopia management practices. With our clinical expertise, implementation playbook, patient education tools and marketing support I’m excited to help our growing network of Treehouse Eyes practices accelerate their myopia management practice.”
Vital Stats: Interested ODs can visit for more information on how Treehouse Eyes helps practice owners Fast Track their myopia management practice.