PSI's BETTER Drill Bit.

ODESSA, Fla.--PSI has introduced the Better Drill Bit, which is custom-designed for rimless eyewear work. The drill bit works with all lens materials and drill types, and depending on the drill type and the materials drilled, PSI's new drill bit can last up to five times longer than other bits, according to the company. With many labs now using automated CNC lens drills to produce rimless eyewear more quickly, using drill bits that don't produce melting or inconsistent hole sizes, or cause notching or slotting problems, is important, as is reducing breakage, post-drill filing and re-dos.

Al Bednar

Al Bednar, PSI's director of sales & technical service said, "Our customers are having great success with the new BETTER drill bit. The longevity of the bit and the quality of the holes they've been getting has been unmatched."

The Better Drill Bit is made of carbide materials and offers a flute geometry that helps pull swarf away from the drill holes, producing cleaner lens work. A fish tail point provides more efficient drilling, according to PSI, and less stress on the bit, helping labs get up to three to five times longer use, compared to other drill bits. The bit's routing design also helps reduce heat buildup, breakage and warranty claims. The 1-mm, 2-flute bit costs pennies per job, according to the company.