BUSINESS: Labs Survey Findings Reveal Service Preferences and Priorities By Staff Monday, October 26, 2020 12:29 AM RELATED CONTENT At Your Service Kaiser Permanente: Creating Synergy in a Closed Loop System Essilor’s Sherianne James Talks About Bespoke Products and the Need for ‘Customer Intimacy’ Technology Partnerships Drive Lab Service Surveys for the Modern Labs 2020 Report were conducted by Jobson Research from July 14 to July 27, 2020. Email invitations were sent to in-house databases of eyecare professionals (ECPs) and optical laboratories. A total of 452 ECPs responded, as did 37 labs. An incentive was offered to each survey respondent. Some survey questions were only asked of ECPs, some were asked only of labs, and some were asked of both groups. Here are some topline findings: • ECPs’ loyalty to their labs is strong. Nearly half of the respondents said they have not switched labs in the past five years; almost a third said they have switched only once during that time. • The majority of ECPs listed their top reasons for switching labs was quality of work was below expectations; and the turnaround time for Rx jobs was too long. Notably, 16.6 percent of ECPs said their reason for changing labs was the lab’s affiliation with a managed vision care company. ECPs said their top reason for switching labs is that the quality of work was below expectations, while labs listed price as the top reason for customers’ switching. • The survey also explored how labs are helping ECPs reopen their practices that were closed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although most respondents reported “no change,” others cited special promotions, and providing PPE, helping staff implement new safety protocols, and providing marketing materials explaining new safety protocols. • ECPs and labs agreed that the most important factors in the ECPs’ choice of a lab are Rx lens quality/accuracy, AR coating/mirror coating quality and ease of ordering. Highlights from the survey data are included in the Modern Lab 2020 Report. The complete survey results can be downloaded here.