Americans are growing more concerned about the impact of climate change on the food supply, according to a recent survey. The poll from the Walton Family Foundation and online survey research firm Morning Consult, finds that 8 percent of Americans agree that "if you care about our food supply, you should care about oceans and healthy ocean ecosystems." The Walton Family Foundation is a philanthropic organization begun by Walmart founders Sam and Helen Walton.

"From middle America to the coasts, choosing sustainable seafood that prioritizes ocean health will help foster healthy communities and a healthy planet," said Moira Mcdonald, director of the Walton Family Foundation's Environment Program.

The survey also found that promoting sustainable seafood and protecting the health of fish in the oceans is a top priority for Americans. The survey also revealed that consumers are particularly concerned about two issues, the availability of seafood and ocean health at 85 percent and 83 percent, respectively. 

As climate change continues to impact fish stocks globally, more Americans are concerned about the safety of the fish they eat, with 84 percent of respondents saying they rely on seafood as their primary source of protein and that it is more important than ever to "promote sustainable seafood and protect the health of fish in oceans." 

This belief that more needs to be done to protect the oceans has found some agreement  across political lines—82 percent of Republicans, 92 percent of Democrats and 78 percent of independents agree with the survey statement.

Despite this agreement, more than half of respondents said they think the U.S. government is not doing enough to protect the health of fish in oceans. Politicians on both sides agree, with 56 percent of Democrats, 47 percent of Republicans and 49 percent of independents responding that they think the government is not currently doing enough.

The poll also found that individuals and businesses supporting initiatives that protect ocean health are likely to see a corresponding favorability bump. More than half of adults report they are likely to see a business favorably if the business supports sustainable seafood.

“The ocean plays a critical part in our food security, and this poll shows that Americans understand that connection,” said Mcdonald, noting that choosing sustainable seafood takes into account the balance between protecting the oceans’ ecosystem and producing the food needed for a growing population. “People increasingly understand that taking care of nature is the key to taking care of people and communities too. Sustainable seafood is a great example of that mindset put into action," she said.