Practice Systems: Ordering VisionWeb Launches Mobile App for Apple and Android Devices By Staff Thursday, April 11, 2013 12:21 AM Product: VisionWeb Mobile App Top Line: VisionWeb has launched a free mobile app that supports their online ordering solution. gives opticians, optometrists, and ophthalmologists the ability to order ophthalmic products from over 400 spectacle lens, contact lens, and frame suppliers for free. Close Up: With the VisionWeb app, users will be able to keep up with their spectacle lens, contact lens, and frame orders while out of the office, without having to access the full VisionWeb site. The free VisionWeb mobile app is available for Apple and Android devices, and can be downloaded via the iTunes and Google Play app stores. The mobile app syncs with so users can have access to the latest order status information, right at their fingertips. Convenient search and filter options make it easy for users to navigate their orders while on the go or out of the office. Users can also access details on their pending orders, which allows the doctor or manager to provide feedback to staff before the orders are actually sent to the lab for processing. Vital Stats: The VisionWeb app gives users the ability to: Review pending orders before they are sent to the labMonitor the status of orders in the process at the labAccess and review archived ordersNavigate orders with convenient search and filter options;