Practice Systems: Ordering C&E Vision Releases myCloud, a Web-based Transaction Archive By Staff Thursday, September 4, 2014 12:18 AM Product: myCloud Top Line: The C&E Vision optical buying group is debuting a new service to its members called myCloud, a cloud-based transaction archive that holds six years of member monthly statements, vendor invoices and product purchasing reports. Close Up: Although C&E Vision has been providing monthly statements and vendor invoices online for some time, this new service allows members the ability to gain access to six years' worth of data as well as analyze purchase data by vendor sku with a breakdown that shows tax, freight and number of products ordered over an extended period of time. "We all know how important statement and invoice data is for record keeping but sometimes life gets in the way," said Steve Wagner, principal of C&E Vision. "With unforeseen issues such as fires, floods, or simply misfiling our members need access to their information within minutes when researching is necessary." Vital Stats: The myCloud data invoice storage systems can back up more than 6.4 million invoices and statements, according to C&E Vision.; (800) 346-2626