Practice Systems SynergEyes Releases Video Tutorials for Duette Progressive Lens By Staff Friday, December 26, 2014 12:15 AM More Images Product: Video Tutorials for Duette Progressive Lens Top Line: SynergEyes has expanded its doctor resources with the release of eight video tutorials for Duette Progressive, a contact lens for astigmatic presbyopes. The videos, each only a few minutes in length, are available through the “Video Tutorials” link on the homepage of Close Up: Providing information to assist dispensing and optimize the fit of the Duette Progressive lens, the step-by-step tutorials cover: lens design, lens calculator, fitting guide, lens dispensing, optimizing fit, optimizing near vision, optimizing distance vision and optimizing patient compliance. The videos address the vision optimization made possible by the recent expansion of lens parameters to 0.1mm increments, which facilitate even more precise alignment fitting, creating optimal centration and clear, stable vision at all distances for even more patients. Vital Stats: Utilizing a near center aspheric add zone in combination with a distance asphere, Duette Progressive provides a seamless progression of powers from distance to near, giving presbyopes GP vision at all distances along with soft lens comfort. With a choice of three add powers to give the practitioner greater control over the visual outcome, Duette Progressive is a go-to lens for presbyopes with astigmatism and is also an ideal choice for moderate to advanced presbyopes who no longer get acceptable near vision from soft multifocal contact lenses. The lens also features an 84 Dk silicone hydrogel skirt around the 130 Dk center, and includes UV-blocking materials.; (877) 733-2012, option 1