Exam Lane: EHR RevolutionEHR Announces Optovue Integration By Staff Thursday, April 9, 2015 12:11 AM More Images Product: RevolutionEHR, Optovue Integration Top Line: RevolutionEHR, a provider of cloud-based practice management and electronic health record software for the optometric community, has integrated with ophthalmic device maker Optovue for streamlined workflow and increased efficiency with entering patient demographic information. Close Up: With the integration, RevolutionEHR customers are now able to add patient demographic data to Optovue products with just one click, which not only saves time but also eliminates the risk of lost reports and inaccuracies due to errors in data entry. “Our customers expect us to continually add capabilities to better operate their practice,” said RevolutionEHR CEO Scott Jens, OD, FAAO. “Our integration with Optovue is a strong example of improving the efficiency within clinical care by delivering a seamless launch of the powerful image views within the Optovue software.” Vital Stats: Clinicians are now able to review the Optovue exam presentations dynamically, again with the click of a button, in RevolutionEHR. www.revolutionehr.com; (877) 738-3471); www.optovue.com; (866) 344-8948 For more on Electronic Health Records, visit VM’s Intelligent Office