Exam Lane: EHR Ocuco’s Acuitas activEHR Receives Drummond Certified By Staff Thursday, April 2, 2015 12:10 AM Product: Acuitas activEHR 2.0 Top Line: Acuitas activEHR 2.0, a new Ocuco product being tailored specifically for the U.S. optometry market, has achieved Certification as a 2014 Edition Complete EHR. Certification has been granted by Drummond Group, an ONC-ATCB with whom the organization has worked since 2011. This is the latest step toward Ocuco’s objective to deliver a complete practice management/Certified EHR offering to the North American optometry market, the company said. Close Up: Acuitas activEHR 2.0 will allow Eligible Professionals to meet all necessary obligations and qualify for stimulus funds as per current requirements for either Stage 1 or Stage 2 Meaningful Use, as directed by the ONC and CMS.Certification of Acuitas activEHR 2.0 included use of the DrFirst e-Prescribing platform, as well as Secure Exchange Solutions (SES) technology to demonstrate compliance with all current Meaningful Use requirements. DrFirst provides necessary tools for electronic prescribing of medications and interaction with pharmacies across the U.S. Secure Exchange Solutions technology is used to share health information and facilitate secure communications between providers, as well as between doctor and patient by way of individualized Patient Portals. Vital Stats: Ocuco anticipates that Acuitas activEHR 2.0 will become available to the North American market in the summer of 2015. www.ocuco.com; +353-1-8226533 For more on Electronic Health Records, visit VM’s Intelligent Office