Exam Lane: EHR Frames Data and My Vision Express Unveil New 'Immediate Data Access' Integration By Staff Thursday, January 9, 2014 12:15 AM Product: Frames Data’s Immediate Data Access Integration with My Vision Express Top Line: Frames Data’s state-of-the-art “Immediate Data Access” (IDA) integration with My Vision Express is currently available to My Vision Express 2014 users. The new integration allows eyecare professionals to access the most up-to-date frame information instantaneously via the internet. Close Up: Frames Data updates its database daily with new frames, wholesale price changes and updates to existing frames. Frames Data IDA will allow My Vision Express users that have subscribed to the new service to easily access the updated data from any computer in their practice. “That means no waiting, no disc in the mail, and immediate access to our database” said Tom Doyle, Frames Data’s director of key accounts. When the eyecare professional is ready to update their inventory, a simple process retrieves updated data and makes it available inside the software. Once inventory is updated, the ECP will be able to scan UPC barcodes, set retail pricing and submit managed care claims with minimal effort. “We are proud to partner with Frames Data to bring these advanced frame management features to our customers,” said Insight Software, LLC president, Vipul Katyal, developer of My Vision Express. Vital Stats: My Vision Express 2014 users can subscribe via telephone or via the internet. www.myvisionexpress.com; www.framesdata.com