M&S Technologies Debuts Clinical Trial Suite
Product: M&S Smart System Clinical Trial Suite (CTS)
Top Line: M&S Technologies is introducing its newest product, the Clinical Trial Suite (CTS). CTS consists of a variety of visual acuity and contrast sensitivity protocols that easily step the user through the eye charts presented and directly respond to user input regarding correct/incorrect results. Each suite can be customized specifically to meet the users’ trial needs, and comes with a variety of hardware options.
Close Up: The following tests are available:
- Automated ETDRS at distance, intermediate and near.
- eETDRS (electronic ETDRS).
- Defocus curve (configurable from +2 to –5 diopters).
- Automated Contrast Sensitivity Function System (ACSFS).
- Letter contrast testing at 1.2 percent, 2.5 percent, 5 percent and 25 percent.
- ETDRS testing with low contrast letters.
- Linear sine grating contrast testing with multiple orientations.
“CTS provides for significant time-savings for study sites and investigators while simultaneously providing unbiased, computer generated data for easy collection and dissemination. We anticipate the sponsors will clearly recognize significantly reduced testing costs, greater accuracy, repeatability and consistency from site to site and visit to visit. The feedback from our customers has consistently been that the CTS is an important improvement in the performance of clinical trials for new vision care products,” said company president Joe Marino.
Vital Stats: Each test in the M&S Smart System clinical trial suite automatically steps through the eye charts presented, and directly responds to user input regarding correct/incorrect results. The CTS-controlled approach to testing stands out in these critical areas:
- Protocol-led testing ensures consistent operator. Use across test sites and eliminates bias and erroneous data.
- Quality hardware built-to-last and patented software developed to ANSI/ISO standards.
- Peer-reviewed tests certified to existing standards.
- Superior, responsive USA-based technical and engineering team for support and training.
- Exportable real-time data significantly reduces data collection expense.
- Ability to automatically analyze and calibrate luminance levels with M&S’ new luminance sensor (optional).
The CTS protocols adhere strictly to the ANSI and ISO standards, are accepted for use in Phase III Endpoint Trials and are peer-reviewed and published by prominent industry professionals.
www.mstech-eyes.com; (877) 225-6101
CLX Intros On-line Contact Lens Re-ordering
Product: My CL Store Top Line: CLX, a contact lens ordering, managing and marketing system, is introducing My CL Store, which offers enhanced functionality designed to give patients the ability to order directly from their eyecare provider’s website. “My CL Store appeals to a patient’s desire to purchase online at their convenience, and it appeals to the ECP who wants a simple to implement e-commerce solution without unexpected costs. Our goal is to make ordering and payment easy for the patient, and to make website integration and collections easy for the practice,” said Jeremy Bono, CLX product manager. Close Up: For ECPs already using the CLX contact lens management software, the My CL Store is easily integrated. CLX System provides a practice branded link to place on the practice website and to use in various patient communications. On accessing the link, patients simply fill out their general personal info, their prescription, and select a shipping method and payment choice. All orders are queued in CLX until the practice verifies the order and submits it to their distributor of choice for fulfillment and shipment directly to the patient. Patient payments flow directly into the practice banking account. The CLX system is capable of much more than capturing reorder business according to Bono. “Efficient patient marketing, along with the ordering, tracking, and reporting features of CLX, all help our customers better understand, manage and grow the contact lens side of their business.” Vital Stats: CLX System is a cloud-based management platform specifically designed to improve the efficiency and accuracy of contact lens administration as well as to provide valuable data and robust metrics reporting. www.CLXsystem.com; (314) 743-0781
Arch Crown Releases 2016 Op-Tag & Label Plus Bar Code Technology Catalog
Product: 2016 Op-Tag & Label Plus Bar Code Technology Catalog Top Line: The 40-page catalog features a full-line of bar code technology products including the new Honeywell wireless, battery-free Voyager 1202g-bf barcode scanner and the popular Datamax-O’Neil E-Class Mark III-A Advanced printer plus over 100 styles of stock, pre-printed and custom printed Op-Tags and labels. Close Up: New poly-lam thermal transfer computer string and barbell style tags are available in gold, silver, white, yellow, green, blue, pink and orange. Arch Crown can custom color match poly-lam tags for corporate identity, brand awareness and special promotions. Arch Crown’s Thermal Transfer Starter Package featuring the Datamax-O’Neil E-Class Mark III-A Advanced Printer. Starter Package includes everything needed to print tags using your own computer. Professional label design software offers benefits of thermal transfer printing to businesses that currently do not have bar code printing capability. New DT-391 Direct Thermal labels fit Dymo Labelwriter (no ribbon required) and most thermal printers. Vital Stats: Free tech support is available from authorized factory trained technicians. Free samples and catalog are also available. www.ArchCrown.com; (800) 526-8353
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