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January 07, 2016
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In This Edition


Kodak Patient Waiting Room Video


PEL’s New Testing Service
HelpMeSee Smartphone App


Signet Armorlite Releases Kodak Lens Patient Waiting Room Video

Product: Kodak Lens Patient Waiting Room Video
Top Line: Signet Armorlite has produced a new waiting room video about Kodak lenses. The video is available exclusively for independent eyecare professionals, who can use it to educate and inform patients on the types of vision correction available in eyewear, as well as lens options.
Close Up:
  • Helps patients understand the value of their eyewear
  • Engages patients with a colorful message that informs on vision solutions from Kodak Lens
  • Educates patients on lens options including sunwear and anti-reflective lens coatings
  • Presents the Kodak Lens Professional Series product portfolio and its exclusive availability from independent ECPs
Video Content Segments:
  • Kodak Digital Single Vision Lens
  • Kodak Progressive Lenses
  • Kodak Transitions Lens
  • Kodak Sun Lens
  • Kodak SoftWear Lens
  • Kodak No-Glare Lens Coatings
  • Six-minute run time
  • Plays on a continuous loop
  • Includes both sound and subtitles
  • Available online and in DVD format
  • DVD-compatible with all media devices (DVD player, Mac, PC, etc.)
All products featured are part of the Kodak Lens Professional Series which is exclusively available from independent eyecare professionals.
Vital Stats: To access the Kodak Lens video online, visit or To order a complementary DVD for your waiting room, visit; (800) 759-4630

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PEL Offers Testing Service for Eyewear E-Commerce Regulatory Requirements

Product: Testing Service for Eyewear
E-Commerce Regulatory Requirements
Top Line: Precision Eyewear Testing & Inspection Services Co. (PEL), the first privately owned eyewear testing laboratory in China providing testing services and advice to the international frames and sunglasses brands and buyers who want to develop eyewear business abroad and in China, is launching a testing service that provides customer support to companies that want to start an eyewear e-commerce business.
Close Up: As PEL reported during a seminar at Hong Kong Optical Fair 2015, e-commerce is one of the most important and fast-growing businesses in the eyewear market. Companies can develop sales by taking advantage of well-established brands, or they can build their own shopping carts.
“E-commerce providers need to make sure that their platform offers a user-friendly interface and purchase process,” said Zenobia Chain, general manager of PEL (pictured here). “Firms that want to position themselves at the top end of the market in e-based searches and on reviews sites must make significant investments in technology, user interface design and customer services.
“Prices and quality of eyewear and the accuracy of product descriptions are of great concern to consumers,” Chain continued. “Therefore, e-commerce eyewear regulatory requirements are very strict. Authorities monitor closely platforms and product descriptions. Sanctions for providers whose e-based points of sale provide a less than 100 percent accurate description of products features range from lowering their ranking, to stopping operations of e-based points of sales, to cancelling all investments to them.”
Vital Stats: The main goal of regulations is to guarantee that the eyewear products offered can be sold on any global e-commerce platform. PEL can provide testing of and feedback on platform functionality and regulatory compliance to companies that want to start this new activity or expand it in a fast-growing e-based eyewear market.

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HelpMeSee Develops Smartphone App

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Product: HelpMeSee Reach Smartphone App
Top Line: HelpMeSee, a non-profit organization that helps restore sight to people in developing countries suffering from cataract blindness, has developed and successfully tested a mobile app to dramatically expedite and improve this process. The app combines GIS & GPS technologies and will be a key tool for reaching patients in remote rural areas who otherwise would not have access to care.
Close Up: Based on the Android mobile platform, the HelpMeSee app and mHealth system empowers community workers to identify patients suffering from cataract blindness and upload key details to a cloud-based system. The system dramatically shortens the time required for workers on the ground to identify cases and allows them to cover larger populations in a much shorter time.
Vital Stats: The HelpMeSee app allows locally trained community health workers to:
  • Locate patients
  • Ensure optimal positions of MSICS providers
  • Build community awareness
  • Schedule, screen, and select patients and surgical services
  • Facilitate post-surgical follow-up
  • Track altitude and terrain changes
Click here to see a video about HelpMeSee’s Reach app.; (844) HelpMeSee (844) 435-7637

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Andrew Karp, Group Editor, Lenses and Technology

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