My Vision Express Creates Interfaces With Veatch Ophthalmic Devices
Product: My Vision Express-Veatch Interfaces
Top Line: My Vision Express (MVE) has created interfaces with diagnostic devices and systems from Veatch Ophthalmic. These new interfaces will allow MVE users to transfer readings from the devices to a patient’s record in the software. The devices and systems that are included are the Veatch Digital Refraction Suite, Veatch Digital Refraction System, and the Veatch Yeasn LightSpeed Auto Lensmeter.
The Veatch Digital Refraction System is an economical package designed to digitize the eye exam process. The system digitally transfers the Auto Refractor/Keratometer data to the Digital Refractor and Visual Acuity Chart in the Exam room, eliminating errors and allowing for a quicker, more efficient exam process.
Close Up: The Yeasn LightSpeed Auto Lensmeter is a true wavefront lensmeter for optimal performance. The Hartmann Shack sensor and Green LED provide the highest of accuracy, while the unique parallel processor provides amazingly fast data.
The Veatch Digital Refraction Suite is a complete suite of products to maximize your efficiency and enhance your exam process. The suite includes the Potec PRK-5000L Auto Refractor/Keratometer, Lensmeter, the Potec PDR-7000 Digital Refractor and the Potec PLC-7000 Visual Acuity Chart.
Vital Stats: Medical device interfaces help to maximize technology investment of an EHR and practice management software and streamline paperless exams. Nearly 200 diagnostic medical devices have interfacing compatibility with My Vision Express. View the complete list of devices compatible with MVE at; (800) 447-7511
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FastGrind Steps Up its Digital Presence
Product: Super Systems’ New Blog
Top Line: Super Systems Optical Technologies, makers of the FastGrind modified in-office lens surfacing system, is launching a blog on its website,
Close Up: The blog offers a new platform for daily updates of what’s going on within Super Systems Optical, as well as within the optical industry in general. It will feature company news, industry updates, and some optical humor, according to Super Systems’ marketing coordinator, Jennifer Kammes.
Vital Stats: Super Systems is exploring other outlets and updating its current digital presence to bring a fresh face to the FastGrind brand, Kammes said. and subscribe to ensure you don’t miss any new posts, and check them out at Vision Expo West, booth #LP8100.; (800) 543-7376
Salem Releases Blocking Pads for Oleo/Hydrophobic Lenses
Product: OH! Blocking Pads
Top Line: Salem Vision Group is releasing OH! Blocking Pads, which are designed specifically for use on oleo/hydrophobic lenses.
Close Up: The pads feature a two-level adhesive package that ensures critical adhesion to the dissimilar surfaces of the block and the lens. The black side of the pad is block-specific and the green side is dedicated to securing the “slipperiest” oleo/hydrophobic lenses, according to Salem Vision Group.
Vital Stats: The OH! Blocking pads are available in two configurations: 34 x 17mm oblong and 23mm round.; (800) 234-1982