Topcon Introduces New Wireless Review Station for its Non-mydriatic Retinal Camera Systems
Product: Wireless Review Station
Top Line: Topcon Medical Systems (TMS) is introducing a wireless review station that can be used with the TRC-NW300 and TRC-NW8 non-mydriatic capture systems running Imagenet 5. The station allows eyecare professionals to review patients’ retinal images from anywhere in their offices, even when going from room to room.
Close Up: The device allows reviewing images from an Imagenet 5 capture station via Wi-Fi up to a distance of 30 ft. The transfer period is only five seconds when saving captured images in JPEG format. The wireless review station can be left permanently in an exam room or can be mobile from room to room in a 30 ft. radius. Commercially available monitor, keyboard and mouse can be added by the user for his/her convenience.
Vital Stats: The wireless review station includes a Wi-Fi capable Imagenet System Notebook with Imagenet 5 review software. The first wireless review station to be used in an office requires the use of a wireless router which is connected via USB to the capture station. Additional wireless review stations do not need extra routers. Several wireless review stations can be used at the same facility.
www.topconmedical.com; (800) 223-1130
For more on Diagnostic Instruments and Testing, visit VM's Intelligent Office
EyeTrain Releases New Version of ABO Exam Study App for Opticians
Product: EyeTrain is releasing Version 1.1 of OptiQuiz, an optical knowledge-packed app helps opticians review test content for certification exams like the ABO, NCLE, and JCAPHO. Founded by master optician, Monica Scott, EyeTrain Apps encourages certification and licensure and is dedicated to providing new ways to enhance and supplement optical education.
Top Line: OptiQuiz is now available for Android and Apple devices. The goal of the OptiQuiz app is to provide a convenient means for optical students, apprentices, and professionals to supplement prep for certification exams, and the app is a fun way for ophthalmic professionals and all ECPs to test current optical knowledge.
Close Up: OptiQuiz programmer and designer Monica Scott, LDO, AAT, ABOM, NCLE-C reports that many users have requested that the correct answer choices be revealed so the new version highlights correct answers in green and incorrect answers in red. There are also two playing modes: Relaxed and Timer. Almost 100 additional questions have been added as well as colorfully illustrated image questions. OptiQuiz will be a great addition to any other ABO exam study aids and a fun way to stay up to date on basic optics. OptiQuiz app now quizzes the user with over 400 ABO exam-style questions that are based as closely as possible to current ABO & NCLE test specifications.
Vital Stats: OptiQuiz version 1.1 is available for download on
Google Play and the
Apple App Store. Updates about OptiQuiz will be posted via Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook.
For more on Staff Training visit VM's Intelligent Office
Santinelli Expands Optical Tools and Supplies With New Supplement
Product: Santinelli International Optical Supplies (SIOS)
Top Line: Augmenting its line of finishing supplies, precision tools, frame parts and working aides, Santinelli International is introducing over 20 new products, featured in their new catalog supplement.
Close Up: Highlights include an “anvil-style” bench block, a spring-hinge tool kit, a screw-extractor set and replacement temples, bridges and nose pads for today’s popular frame styles. The new catalog supplement is available upon request and is also accessible in an e-mag version via the company’s website.
“Our Santinelli International Optical Supplies (aka “SIOS”) product line and our catalog have been extremely well-received by the industry. Yet we will continuously source new, innovative and competitively-priced products, like these recent additions, to help ECPs and wholesale labs succeed,” said Gerard Santinelli, president and CEO.
Vital Stats: To request the company’s catalog or the new catalog supplement, please email
www.santinelli.com; (800) 644-3343
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