Alcon Partners With ECPs to Educate Patients on Lens Care With New Compliance Program
Product: Patient Compliance Kits
Top Line: Alcon is introducing a compliance kit designed to help eyecare professionals educate their patients on how to take care of their contact lenses while also providing consumers with a clear doctor recommendation.
Close Up: A recent survey showed that while an overwhelming majority (95 pecent) of optometrists reported distributing sample starter lens care kits, only 31 percent of patients said they received an actual recommendation for a specific product. In other words, distributing free sample starter kits does not always translate into a recommendation.
“While samples are important to new contact lens wearers for in-office instruction and to begin at-home contact lens care, a more careful approach to distributing samples allows me to strengthen my doctor-patient relationship through education and a strong recommendation,” said Gina Wesley, OD, MS, FAAO, a private practitioner in Medina, Minn.
Vital Stats: The new Patient Compliance Kits include compliance tips, patient education on the features and benefits of Alcon’s advanced lens care technology, a new contact lens case and coupon for Opti-Free PureMoist Multi-Purpose Disinfecting Solution. Alcon will continue to provide Starter Lens Care Kits for all new contact lens wearers and for those patients who should evaluate an Alcon lens care product.
www.alcon.com; (800) 451-3937
M&S Technologies Adds Stereo Testing to the Smart System Tablet
Product: SmartSystem Stereo Near Test
Top Line: M&S Technologies has added another test to the suite of near tests developed for the Smart System Tablet. This user-interactive screening allows the eyecare professional to effectively test for stereopsis.
Close Up: The user-interactive screening allows the eyecare professional to effectively test for stereopsis by having the patient touch the image on the tablet that they believe is the one displaying stereo image.
“The protocol is very effective since it removes technician bias and erroneous data by being interactive with the patient and calculating disparity according to image selection,” said Joe Marino, president of M&S Technologies. “Furthermore, it’s particularly effective with children as it simulates a “video game” experience and encourages the child to participate.”
Vital Stats: This month, M&S Technologies began selling apps for the Smart System Tablet through its
web store. The apps for sale include: Near Visual Acuity Testing, Letter Contrast Sensitivity Testing, Stereo Testing, ColorCheck Color Testing, Amsler Grid for AMD detection, and the CustomLink app for controlling the Smart System. Prices will range from $29 to $99, depending on the app. M&S is looking to add more apps to the store as they are developed.
www.mstech-eyes.com; (877) 225-6101
For more on Diagnostic Testing and Instruments visit VM’s Intelligent Office.
RevolutionEHR Partners With Secure Exchange Solutions for Secure Provider Messaging
Product: RevDirect
Top Line: RevolutionEHR is launching RevDirect, an integrated web service that allows customers to exchange patient information by secure email with any health care provider in the U.S.
Close Up: Powered by Secure Exchange Solutions (SES), RevDirect provides a simple, scalable, standards-based solution for transmitting encrypted health information over the Internet. Dan Kazzaz, CEO of SES said, “We are pleased that RevolutionEHR selected SES Connect to provide a solution for sending authenticated patient data that is platform independent, faster, less expensive, and more secure than mail or fax.” C-CDA documentation, referral letters, photos, visual fields, OCTs and any other patient information needed for timely transition of care is conveniently exchanged by secure messaging directly through the EHR.
RevDirect is HIPAA-compliant, and utilizes the standards set by the Direct Project to meet the ONC secure external messaging requirements for Stage 2 Meaningful Use. “Not only will RevDirect help us meet Stage 2 Meaningful Use requirements,” said Mark Ruff, OD, Eye Care Associates, “but the seamless integration with RevolutionEHR’s messaging module allows for quicker and more accurate exchange of patient information, enabling us to provide better continuity of care for our patients.”
Vital Stats: RevDirect is available to customers through RevMarket, RevolutionEHR’s online marketplace for integrated apps and services.
www.revolutionehr.com; (877) 738-3471
For more on Electronic Health Records visit VM’s Intelligent Office.
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