Product: Application and Removal Training Resource for SynergEyes VS scleral contact lens wearers
Top Line: SynergEyes, a leading expert in specialty contact lens technology, announces a new Application and Removal Training Resource for SynergEyes VS scleral contact lens wearers.
Close Up: SynergEyes has expanded its Application and Removal Resources—already available for Duette and UltraHealth hybrid contact lenses—to include SynergEyes VS scleral lenses. Developed as part of an ongoing strategy to provide impactful tools for practitioners, the Application and Removal Resource will support successful dispense viasits and outcomes for practices and their SynergEyes VS patients.
SynergEyes understands that the application and removal of scleral lenses can appear to be particularly intimidating to patients. In addition, in these new times many practices are no longer applying lenses onto patients' eyes, making it more important than ever that patients are proficient with application and removal of their new lenses themselves. In response, SynergEyes has created a one-stop-shop of valuable resources to help prepare patients for lens handling. The Application and Removal Resource Page gives patients easy access to tools that focus on handling and care of SynergEyes VS scleral lenses.
Vital Stats: The new resource can be accessed here: SynergEyes VS Application and Removal Resource Page. Practices can share the resource with their patients in several ways, including:
• Practice to patient email: Copying and sharing the link with patients via email:
• Patient flyer: Providing patients with a SynergEyes VS Application and Removal Resource flyer
• Practices can also contact their SynergEyes sales representative to receive the flyer pdf, or call SynergEyes at (877) 733-2012 option 5.
• SynergEyes to patient email: Have an email sent to a patient by filling out this brief form
• Upon submission, an email will automatically be sent to the patient from SynergEyes containing the link to the Application and Removal Resources page.
Practices are encouraged to direct patients to this new resource page prior to the lens dispense visit. This ensures that when patients arrive to receive their lenses, they are familiar with lens handling and are ready to experience the great vision and comfort of their new SynergEyes VS scleral contact lenses.