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Pediatric Photoscreening App Can Help Detect Amblyopia Risk Factors


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Product: GoCheckKids app
Top Line: Gobiquity Mobile Health has designed and developed GoCheck Kids, a pediatric photoscreening application for smartphones. The app, which is available to healthcare professionals, uses a Cloud-based HIPAA-compliant platform that screens a child’s eyes for risk factors that could lead to vision loss.
GoCheck Kids is designed to facilitate the early detection of amblyopia risk factors for children aged six months to six years. Pediatricians enjoy the convenience, ease of use and clinical accuracy of GoCheck Kids. Its acceptance by patients also allows for efficient delivery of care, according to Gobiquity Mobile Health.
Photorefraction devices are meant to improve the detection and decrease the time required to perform testing compared with traditional eye charts.
Close Up: To use GoCheck Kids, a pediatrician simply takes a single photograph of the patient’s eyes, and the proprietary screening technology automatically detects amblyopia risk factors in seconds. The pediatrician can then determine whether to refer the patient to an eye care specialist for further testing and treatment. By putting photoscreening at physicians’ fingertips, GoCheck Kids empowers them to identify at-risk children earlier, and ultimately prevent permanent vision loss.
Vital Stats: Click here to see a poster titled, “Efficacy of a Mobile SmartPhone Vision-Screening Device with Automated Image-Processing Analysis in the Evaluation of Amblyopia Risk Factors in Preschool Children.” The study is authored by Robert Arnold, MD and David I. Silbert, MD, who recently presented it at the annual meeting of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. The poster illustrates the costs of smartphone platforms, which make them highly desirable for use as vision-screening devices. The hypothesis is that the vast majority of astigmatic eyes could be detected with a single flash and only one photograph, simplifying image acquisition greatly.; (949) 330-7300

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