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U.S. Postal Service Considers AR Glasses as a Way to Boost Efficiency and Cut Costs
In addition to the mail pouches slung across their shoulders, letter carriers may soon be adding a new piece of gear to their wardrobe: Augmented Reality (AR) glasses.
The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is looking at AR technology—which adds a digital layer of information on top of real world images—as a way to increase efficiency in its supply chain and reduce costs. In a report released April 6, "Seeing the Future: Augmented Reality and the Postal Service," the USPS Office of Inspector General called AR a "promising new technology which is already helping some large companies increase efficiency."
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PFO Global to Provide Free-form Lenses for WeON Glasses
PFO Global has been selected as the exclusive lens supplier for WeON Glasses, a new type of smart glass being marketed by EyePals, a new company specializing in eyewear technology. Under the terms of the partnership agreement, PFO Global will supply free-form lenses for WeON Glasses, which were among the wearable tech products featured last month in Vision Monday's Eye² Zone at International Vision Expo.
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New Portable Eye Test Can Detect Blood Alcohol Levels
Smartphones that run specialized apps now enabling eyecare professionals to perform a variety of tests for visual acuity, age-related macular degeneration, diabetic eye disease and other ocular conditions while on the go. Now an app developer has come up with a smartphone-based eye test that measures a person's Blood Alcohol Content, using a method the developer claims is more accurate than the standard breathalyzer test.
Andrew Karp, Group Editor, Lenses and Technology
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