Partners in Vision's Continued Growth Ranks It Among the Country’s Top Optical Retailers
By John Sailer
Partners in Vision jumped from number 40 among Vision Monday's Top 50 U.S. Optical Retailers in 2011 to become the 32nd largest optical retailer in the U.S. for the 2012 calendar year. Last year, the company added ten locations, increasing from 42 to 52. This year, that dramatic growth continues with six new locations opened already and six more slated to open over the next few months.
What started 15 years ago as a single optician running an optical dispensary for an ophthalmological practice in central New Jersey has grown into a company that specializes in opening and managing optical dispensaries for ophthalmologists throughout the country.
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How Some Optical Retailers Honor and Encourage Their Staff
Providing incentives to encourage staff performance is one way many mid-size regional and local optical retailing groups help achieve success. Some present trophies or plaques or recognize top performers with notices in company publications, while others distribute gift cards or monetary awards to staff members who excel. However they do it, these leading optical retailers realize the value of staff recognition.
The following companies told dba how they honor top-performing employees and communicate that recognition to all employees across all locations: Robert Rich, president/CEO,
Spex; Alan Ulsifer, OD, CEO and president,
FYidoctors; Bob Brodney, president,
Eye Care Associates; Jonathan Rosin, M.D., co-president,
Rosin Eyecare; Gordon A. Bishop, FNAO, ABOC, RO, CEO and president,
Sunland Optical; Debbie Bacon, director of optical services,
Barnet-Dulaney-Perkins; and David H. Hettler, OD,
Drs. May & Hettler.
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Most Consumers View Vision Care Plans as 'Very Important'
A majority of consumers view vision care plans as "very important," according to the
Managed Vision Care Patient Experience Study produced jointly by
Jobson Optical Research and
focalCenter. Some 67.8 percent of those surveyed responded that vision insurance was "very important" to them, while another 22.7 percent said that it was "somewhat important." Of the remaining respondents, 6.2 percent had "no opinion," 1.7 percent said vision insurance was “not very important” and 1.5 percent said it was "not at all important."
The 'WOW' Warranty Gives Your Patients Peace of Mind While Also Generating Revenue
By Jay Binkowitz and Evan Kestenbaum, MBA, dba Contributors
What does great customer service really mean to you and how does the culture of your business support it? Consumers want warm fuzzies when they make a decision to spend money, but a nice smile, a nice selection and great quality are simply not enough.
If you visited a fine restaurant and were unhappy with your meal, even after eating it, or unhappy with your wine, even after drinking half of it, they would say, "I am sorry you're not happy, what can I bring you instead." Their only goal is to make sure you're happy.
Substantially Higher Salaries for Those Managing More Than Five Offices
NEW YORK—Salaries for office managers vary little for those managing one office compared with those managing two to five offices, according to the recent
2012 ECP Compensation Study produced by Jobson Optical Research in conjunction with Local Eye Site. However, salaries for those managing more than five offices are more than double that of those managing either one office or two to five offices.
John Sailer, Senior Editor
Send us news about your mid-size regional optical chain or optometric group, provide us with subjects and/or questions for a future dba q&a or let us know what topics you'd like to see covered. Contact dba's Editor John Sailer at jsailer@jobson.com.
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