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NEW YORK—CooperVision’s webinar series, “Best Practices to Get You Back to Practice,” features its Best Practices program honorees. The series, which started in late May, aims to help ECPs get back to work. Each of the webinars features two eyecare professionals from CooperVision’s Best Practices initiative, which recognizes optometric practices that advance the profession through innovation, leadership, and the provision of exceptional patient experience. During the webinars, the honorees—who span the program’s five years—will provide insight on various topics relevant to practice management and patient care during the pandemic. The “Best Practices to Get You Back to Practice” webinars are free and open to any eyecare professional. A full schedule and registration is available online here.
Upcoming sessions in the series include “Embrace and Thrive with Telemedicine,” on Thursday, June 11, at 8:00 p.m. EST featuring Dr. Chris Smiley and Dr. Tiffany Lione. Also scheduled for June 15 is “Help Your Patient Adapt to Increased Screen Time,” at 8:00 p.m. EST featuring Dr. Stephanie Woo and Dr. Raj Patel.

Michele Andrews, OD, senior director of professional and academic affairs, North America, CooperVision, said, “Best Practices has always been about sharing the stories and expertise of the practices that have taken the profession’s challenges head on, finding ways to thrive in spite of them. COVID-19 is an obstacle that all eyecare professionals are currently facing—and the best way to get through it is together.

“With this webinar series, we’re providing ECPs the ability to collaborate with some of the brightest minds in the industry on a peer-to-peer level, knowing that they are in the trenches right beside them,” she said.