Nearly half (47 percent) of the respondents to a recent Women In Optometry Pop-Up Poll said that they eat well most of the time. Another nearly 21 percent that they do about half of the time, and 15 percent they eat well less often than they'd like to. Just about 17 percent said that they eat well all of the time.

A number of factors contributed to why respondents did not eat well at least part of the time. Overwhelmingly, 65 percent said that their work schedule demands were an interference. Other top responses were that participants were too tired to cook (44 percent), lack of inspiration (38 percent) and their kids'/family schedule (28 percent). Those who took the poll shared a glimpse of what their regular meals look like throughout the week. The dominant response of 80 percent was that they ate home-cooked with fresh foods, followed by prepared/frozen meals (7 percent) and takeout eaten at home (7 percent).

Source: Women In Optometry