1. The Path to Quality Eyecare and Eyewear
a) Providers can assess the opportunities for engaging and influencing prospective patients in advance.

2. Patients Explore Their Vision Care Options
a) Patients research providers, treatments, practices, products and payment options before setting an appointment.

3. Patients Engage with a Vision Care Professional
a) After a combination of online, word-of-mouth and other research, patients select an ECP for their visit.
b) ODs should provide a simple scheduling process, either online or via other communication channels.

4. Customer Experience at the Point of Care
a) Enhance the in-store experience with special services and convenience, technologies such as virtual try-on, and simplified and stylish displays.

5. Establishing the Exam Process
a) Set up a discovery and educational exam process.
b) Patients want to understand the exam steps and potential benefits.
c) Evaluate the patient’s background and lifestyle to best determine their primary vision needs.

6. Patients Shop for the Eyewear They Want
a) The handoff from exam room to dispensary is a key step in The Patient Journey.
b) Provider reinforces prescription details, recommendations and features of specific lens options.

7. Explanation of Payment Options
a) Raise patient awareness of vision care coverage, promotional financing options and other solutions.
b) Patients who understand payment solutions are more open to treatment and eyewear recommendations.

8. Patients Advocate for Your Practice
a) Patients who are satisfied are more likely to return, write positive online reviews and refer friends and family.

Source: Illustration adapted from CareCredit reference materials