By Andrew Karp: Group Editor, Lenses + Technology

Hoya’s Sync lenses ease eyestrain when using smartphones and other digital devices.
LEWISVILLE, Texas—Users of digital devices such as smartphones and iPads often experience eyestrain and fatigue caused by the exhausting demand of continually focusing on lit screens, small fonts and near distances. Now, Hoya Vision Care has developed a lens designed to remedy their problems, Hoya Sync.

“The world had been transformed by digital communication,” said Hoya president, Barney Dougher. “It is time that single-vision correction solutions catch up. Our passion at The Hoya Free-Form Company is to provide advanced vision correction solutions that are relevant to the actual needs of patients and their lifestyles. Sync is our latest solution.”

Sync lenses feature vertical aspheric single-vision design elements applied across the entire width of the lenses to provide functional accommodation support for intermediate and near vision. Despite this gradual progression, the lens feels like a single-vision design, Hoya said. The imperceptible functional support shifts very gradually from distance refraction correction toward values up to +0.53 D (Sync 5, an option for younger adults, including students, who may need less active support) or +0.88 D (Sync 8).