“It’s the younger male driving sales. They know the products they want, they know the kinds of shirts and jeans. They do the research.”
– Rick Caruso, CEO of Caruso Affiliated

“More guys are stepping up their game, especially the younger ones who are graduating college and not just scraping up beer money. This is just the tip of the iceberg.”
– John Anderson, co-founder of Tankfarm & Co.

“Style isn’t just about clothes. It’s about life. It’s about LIFEstyle.”
– Grant Harris, founder of Image Granted website

“Perhaps that’s the trick to shopping—to do it often, in focused and precise bursts, rather than trying to binge-buy a couple season’s worth at once.”
– Joe Berkowitz, writer at GQ

“Guys don’t need a lot of choices, they need the right choice.”
– Sid Mashburn, founder of Sid Mashburn apparel store

“I want to make products that people like because they like the way it looks.”
– Niyi Okuboyejo, founder of Post-Imperial fashion label